⭐️ HEYO! Just a few days left to join our un-boring coaching program: WAIM Unlimited. Let us show you exactly WHAT to improve in your online business and in WHAT ORDER, so you can grow your revenue and live a more spacious, …
We have this phrase around the WAIM office (aka our living room) that’s the “Straddling Strategist.” It’s the idea that so many people are straddling between two ideas or two businesses and can’t quite go all-in on either.
If you tuned into last week’s episode, you may have wondered if we survived the video recording “mud” we’d stepped into. Well, we’re happy to report we’ve turned a corner!
Welp, the title says it all, we had our WORST day of filming videos in 10+ years of working together. Let’s talk about what went wrong and what we learned!
How are we avoiding burning out with our 26-day content blitz project? And how the heck do you avoid feeling completely overwhelmed when staring at a HUGE to-do list??
We LOVE 30-day challenges but we haven’t done one as it relates to creating content in quite awhile. Welp, that’s all about to change with a content blitz we’re embarking on starting this week!
Weeeeeee’re back from our summer sabbatical! We kick things off by sharing a slightly new format for our podcast including a new segment called Calm Business Confidential.
It’s a grab-bag episode, folks! We’ve steered clear of talking about AI but decided to dip our toes into the topic this week while also sharing that we’re taking our summer sabbatical from content creation.
What does it mean to run a business that’s barely visible to the outside world? Without social media or consistent new content, can a business be successful and profitable?
It’s Part 2 of 2 in a short interview series where we interviewed ourselves (lol!) This week, Jason is the interviewer and Caroline is the interviewee. Will Jason ask any questions not related to cinnamon rolls? Tune in to f…
We are mixing it up the next two weeks and decided to interview… each other! This week, Caroline grabs the mic and asks Jason some hard-hitting questions about childhood, the beginning of his entrepreneurial journey, and mor…
It’s a money episode! Moneysode? Let’s chat about the big inflection points in our lives as it relates to money and how you can implement some of the decisions we made into your life (if it feels right to you!)
Who out there LOVES a launch recap as much as we do?? Well, you’re getting all the details this week as we break down our *gulp* best launch yet of WAIM Unlimited!
Where do you land when it comes to the idea of aging? Does it scare you? Do you just see it as a natural part of life? We meandered through this topic!
We popped back on the Instagram train for two short days and were immediately hit with a wave of comparison. If you use social media every day, you might not even notice all the invisible comparison traps.
⭐️ Don’t forget! Our un-boring coaching program WAIM Unlimited is CURRENTLY OPEN for enrollment until April 4: wanderingaimfully.com/join
This week’s episode is a continuation of last week, helping our freelancer listener…
Please raise your hand if you’ve ever started a project only to feel disillusioned a month or two into it? Yep, our hands are WAY UP in the air with you. This week, we want to talk about falling in love with the “no results”…
Do you ever wonder exactly what someone is working on in their business? We do too! That’s what we recorded for this week’s episode, sharing all the stuff we’re currently juggling between Wandering Aimfully (our un-boring co…
If you’re anything like us (and a human being at all), then you probably have to learn the same lessons over and over again in life and biz. But, maybe that doesn’t have to be such a bad thing? Maybe it can be something you …
While the episode title is a bit sensational it’s also the truth! In the past 3 years, our Wandering Aimfully Unlimited program has brought in over $500,000 in revenue directly from our members (affiliates). Let’s dive into …