Growing Steady | Intentional Creative Business Podcast


Feb. 22, 2024

192 - What happens when you lose momentum?

We’ve all experienced that dreadful feeling of our business train coming to a complete halt, especially after the start of a new year. What do you do when all your tasks and to-do items pile up, your motivation dips, and everything feels daunting and overwhelming?
Feb. 15, 2024

191 - *NEW NAME!* ..... Growing Steady

It is with great excitement that we announce a new name for our podcast: Growing Steady.
Feb. 8, 2024

190 - More ease doesn’t mean easy

We all love a success story, but behind every success story is a ton of hard work and effort. Now, we’re not saying building a business has to be excruciatingly difficult, however it’s important to acknowledge there are challenges and it’s not easy.
Feb. 1, 2024

189 - 7 things you’ll need on your creator journey

It’s hard to believe that being an online creator has really only existed for 20ish years. We’ve been building businesses for the majority of that time and we’ve learned a bunch of lessons along the way that we wanted to share with you this week.
Jan. 25, 2024

188 - Where’s your resistance coming from?

Even the most experienced entrepreneurs run up against resistance and in this episode we’re going to share 3 challenges that popped up for us and how we worked through them together!
Jan. 18, 2024

187 - Taking a side project to a full-time project

If you’re thinking about turning a side project into a full-time project, we hope this episode helps! We have four big takeaways we’ll share that we’re focusing on in our shift from working on our second business (Teachery, an online course software) and taking it from the back-burner to the front-…
Jan. 11, 2024

186 - Our 2023 year end review and 2024 preview!

Welcome back to our little podcasting corner of the Internet! We’re returning to your earballs with a year end review episode, recapping what went well and what didn’t go so well in 2023. Then, we’ll share what we’re looking forward to in 2024 and any changes you can expect to see with our podcast.
Nov. 16, 2023

185 - What does practicing “enough” look like?

This is our LAST episode of 2023! We’re taking a break from the podcast until January 2024, so we hope you enjoy this ep and all the goodness we brought to your ears in 2023. Thanks for tuning in each week!
Nov. 9, 2023

184 - One year of living in Portugal (pros and cons!)

It’s been exactly one year since we made Portugal our new home and we have LOTS to share about the last 365 days!
Nov. 2, 2023

183 - Simplifying your business (part 2!)

In this episode, we dive deeper into the topic of business simplification by exploring offer complexity, marketing bridge complexity, and three other areas of complexity in your business. We chat about the importance of clarifying, pruning, and organizing to create a more calm and flexible biz, and…
Oct. 26, 2023

182 - Fall launch recap: Our best launch ever!

Another launch of our WAIM Unlimited (un-boring) coaching program is in the books and we’re sharing all the exciting recap details with you...
Oct. 19, 2023

181 - 30-day content challenge stats + lessons learned

Our BIGGEST content project to date has come to an end and we want to share our initial findings, analytics, and emotions. There are a bunch of takeaways you can apply to your business too!
Oct. 12, 2023

180 - Simplifying your business

⭐️ HEYO! Just a few days left to join our un-boring coaching program: WAIM Unlimited. Let us show you exactly WHAT to improve in your online business and in WHAT ORDER, so you can grow your revenue and live a more spacious, satisfying life! Join before Oct 17 and the price increases! ⭐️
Oct. 5, 2023

179 - What're we doing with coaching in 2024?

We have this phrase around the WAIM office (aka our living room) that’s the “Straddling Strategist.” It’s the idea that so many people are straddling between two ideas or two businesses and can’t quite go all-in on either.
Sept. 28, 2023

178 - 4 lessons for your next big project

If you’re embarking on a big project, we have 4 lessons to share from our recent experience building and launching our Calm Business Encyclopedia.
Sept. 21, 2023

177 - Introducing…Calm Business Encyclopedia!

It’s here! Check out the Calm Business Encyclopedia 🦋 at
Sept. 14, 2023

176 - How we got out of the "video mud" by ignoring the blueprints

If you tuned into last week’s episode, you may have wondered if we survived the video recording “mud” we’d stepped into. Well, we’re happy to report we’ve turned a corner!
Sept. 7, 2023

175 - Our worst day of filming videos ever (OOF!)

Welp, the title says it all, we had our WORST day of filming videos in 10+ years of working together. Let’s talk about what went wrong and what we learned!
Aug. 31, 2023

174 - Avoiding burnout during big projects

How are we avoiding burning out with our 26-day content blitz project? And how the heck do you avoid feeling completely overwhelmed when staring at a HUGE to-do list??
Aug. 24, 2023

173 - Why we love 30-day challenges and our next one

We LOVE 30-day challenges but we haven’t done one as it relates to creating content in quite awhile. Welp, that’s all about to change with a content blitz we’re embarking on starting this week!
Aug. 17, 2023

172 - The next big move with our software product (and NEW segment!)

Weeeeeee’re back from our summer sabbatical! We kick things off by sharing a slightly new format for our podcast including a new segment called Calm Business Confidential.
June 8, 2023

171 - Dinosaur Park, AI Thoughts, A Cool Tool, and Summer of SaaS

It’s a grab-bag episode, folks! We’ve steered clear of talking about AI but decided to dip our toes into the topic this week while also sharing that we’re taking our summer sabbatical from content creation.
June 1, 2023

170 - Pros and cons of an "invisible" business

What does it mean to run a business that’s barely visible to the outside world? Without social media or consistent new content, can a business be successful and profitable?
May 25, 2023

169 - Jason interviews Caroline! (Part 2 of 2)

It’s Part 2 of 2 in a short interview series where we interviewed ourselves (lol!) This week, Jason is the interviewer and Caroline is the interviewee. Will Jason ask any questions not related to cinnamon rolls? Tune in to find out!