We've had the DISpleasure of dealing with creative burnout on more occasions than we'd like to admit. It simply seems like experiencing burnout is a right of passage when you work for yourself.
But... We have a few tips on how to avoid burning out. How to (hopefully) not hit your own wall and feel like your health and life are suffering because of your work.
Burnout is something soooo many of us deal with but we can feel ashamed to admit it. Well, we're here to pull back the curtain on burnout shame and to talk openly and honestly about it. We hope this episode helps you learn from our mistakes and avoid burning out with whatever you're spending time on.
QUESTION FOR YOU: Have you experienced burnout? How have you dealt with it? Leave us a comment and let us know.
Want to learn more about Wandering Aimfully? Head to wanderingaimfully.com and get our weekly email newsletter about living the life you want. And, don’t forget to subscribe and leave a review if you enjoy the show!
We've had the DISpleasure of dealing with creative burnout on more occasions than we'd like to admit. It simply seems like experiencing burnout is a right of passage when you work for yourself.
But... We have a few tips on how to avoid burning out. How to (hopefully) not hit your own wall and feel like your health and life are suffering because of your work.
Burnout is something soooo many of us deal with but we can feel ashamed to admit it. Well, we're here to pull back the curtain on burnout shame and to talk openly and honestly about it. We hope this episode helps you learn from our mistakes and avoid burning out with whatever you're spending time on.
QUESTION FOR YOU: Have you experienced burnout? How have you dealt with it? Leave us a comment and let us know.
Want to learn more about Wandering Aimfully? Head to wanderingaimfully.com and get our weekly email newsletter about living the life you want. And, don’t forget to subscribe and leave a review if you enjoy the show!
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