If you’re thinking about turning a side project into a full-time project, we hope this episode helps! We have four big takeaways we’ll share that we’re focusing on in our shift from working on our second business (Teachery, …
In this episode, we dive deeper into the topic of business simplification by exploring offer complexity, marketing bridge complexity, and three other areas of complexity in your business. We chat about the importance of clar…
Our BIGGEST content project to date has come to an end and we want to share our initial findings, analytics, and emotions. There are a bunch of takeaways you can apply to your business too!
We have this phrase around the WAIM office (aka our living room) that’s the “Straddling Strategist.” It’s the idea that so many people are straddling between two ideas or two businesses and can’t quite go all-in on either.
What does it mean to run a business that’s barely visible to the outside world? Without social media or consistent new content, can a business be successful and profitable?
⭐️ Don’t forget! Our un-boring coaching program WAIM Unlimited is CURRENTLY OPEN for enrollment until April 4: wanderingaimfully.com/join
This week’s episode is a continuation of last week, helping our freelancer listener…