Our BIGGEST content project to date has come to an end and we want to share our initial findings, analytics, and emotions. There are a bunch of takeaways you can apply to your business too!
We LOVE 30-day challenges but we haven’t done one as it relates to creating content in quite awhile. Welp, that’s all about to change with a content blitz we’re embarking on starting this week!
What does it mean to run a business that’s barely visible to the outside world? Without social media or consistent new content, can a business be successful and profitable?
While the episode title is a bit sensational it’s also the truth! In the past 3 years, our Wandering Aimfully Unlimited program has brought in over $500,000 in revenue directly from our members (affiliates). Let’s dive into …
We want you to imagine a bridge… And each one of these four steps is like a gate your customer has to walk through to cross that bridge: 1. Awareness (I know you exist), 2. Interest (I’m intrigued with how you can help me), …
For all of 2022, we’ve been off of social media for our business, and this week we wanted to share how we’re feeling and if we’re going to return or not.