Growing Steady | Intentional Creative Business Podcast

Life Balance Episodes

Jan. 11, 2024

186 - Our 2023 year end review and 2024 preview!

Welcome back to our little podcasting corner of the Internet! We’re returning to your earballs with a year end review episode, recapping what went well and what didn’t go so well in 2023. Then, we’ll share what we’re looking forward to in 2024 and any changes you can expect to see with our podcast.
Nov. 9, 2023

184 - One year of living in Portugal (pros and cons!)

It’s been exactly one year since we made Portugal our new home and we have LOTS to share about the last 365 days!
June 8, 2023

171 - Dinosaur Park, AI Thoughts, A Cool Tool, and Summer of SaaS

It’s a grab-bag episode, folks! We’ve steered clear of talking about AI but decided to dip our toes into the topic this week while also sharing that we’re taking our summer sabbatical from content creation.
May 25, 2023

169 - Jason interviews Caroline! (Part 2 of 2)

It’s Part 2 of 2 in a short interview series where we interviewed ourselves (lol!) This week, Jason is the interviewer and Caroline is the interviewee. Will Jason ask any questions not related to cinnamon rolls? Tune in to find out!
May 18, 2023

168 - Carol interviews Jason! (Part 1 of 2)

We are mixing it up the next two weeks and decided to interview… each other! This week, Caroline grabs the mic and asks Jason some hard-hitting questions about childhood, the beginning of his entrepreneurial journey, and more!
April 20, 2023

165 - On getting older

Where do you land when it comes to the idea of aging? Does it scare you? Do you just see it as a natural part of life? We meandered through this topic!
Dec. 8, 2022

152 - Our 2022 favorite travel moments and MORE (part 2!)

It’s Part 2 of our 2022 year of European travel recap! In this episode, we take you through our Top 5 Memories of the Year, our Top 5 Restaurants of the Year, and our Top Airbnbs/Hotels of the Year!
Dec. 4, 2022

151 - Our 2022 full-time travel RECAP (part 1!)

Wowowowowow, we have a JAM-PACKED episode for you as we recap our (almost) full-time year of travel! We lived out of suitcases and backpacks for 300 days in Europe in 2022 and we share a ton of final thoughts and answer some great questions about our adventures.
Nov. 24, 2022

150 - The gratitude check-in ("bring 5")

This week we’re introducing a podcast format called “Bring 5” where we both bring FIVE things to an episode and discuss. For our first (official - LOL) Bring 5, we’re sharing moments of gratitude in our new home in Portugal!
Aug. 18, 2022

137 - Welp... we're moving to PORTUGAL! (we hope?)

Oh gosh, how do we even write an intro summary for this episode!?? After a VERY successful (lololol) scouting trip to Portugal, we’ve decided our next home will be in the Silver Coast! Have a listen to the journey that’s been our last two weeks.