Growing Steady | Intentional Creative Business Podcast

Launching Episodes

Oct. 26, 2023

182 - Fall launch recap: Our best launch ever!

Another launch of our WAIM Unlimited (un-boring) coaching program is in the books and we’re sharing all the exciting recap details with you...
Sept. 21, 2023

177 - Introducing…Calm Business Encyclopedia!

It’s here! Check out the Calm Business Encyclopedia 🦋 at
April 27, 2023

166 - Spring launch recap: All the juicy details!

Who out there LOVES a launch recap as much as we do?? Well, you’re getting all the details this week as we break down our *gulp* best launch yet of WAIM Unlimited!
Oct. 14, 2021

106 - Recapping our BEST launch yet ($214,000 in total revenue!)

It is with excitement and jubilation that we get to share we hit our *ENOUGH* revenue number with Wandering Aimfully, a number we’ve been trying to achieve for 3 years! Listen in this week as we share a full recap of our latest enrollment period, including ALLLL the juicy deets!