Growing Steady | Intentional Creative Business Podcast

Goals Episodes

Jan. 11, 2024

186 - Our 2023 year end review and 2024 preview!

Welcome back to our little podcasting corner of the Internet! We’re returning to your earballs with a year end review episode, recapping what went well and what didn’t go so well in 2023. Then, we’ll share what we’re looking forward to in 2024 and any changes you can expect to see with our podcast.
Oct. 5, 2023

179 - What're we doing with coaching in 2024?

We have this phrase around the WAIM office (aka our living room) that’s the “Straddling Strategist.” It’s the idea that so many people are straddling between two ideas or two businesses and can’t quite go all-in on either.
April 6, 2023

163 - The “Satisfied Striving” paradox

How do you balance the focus on “enough” when you’re incredibly motivated and inspired to chase all your ideas?
Jan. 26, 2023

153 - New year, new goals! The big picture in 2023 for us...

Welcome back to our podcast, friends! It’s a new year and we’re bringing that new year energy this week! We go over our financial goals for 2023 and how we’re hoping to achieve them.