Growing Steady | Intentional Creative Business Podcast

Creative Journey Episodes

Feb. 1, 2024

189 - 7 things you’ll need on your creator journey

It’s hard to believe that being an online creator has really only existed for 20ish years. We’ve been building businesses for the majority of that time and we’ve learned a bunch of lessons along the way that we wanted to share with you this week.
Sept. 28, 2023

178 - 4 lessons for your next big project

If you’re embarking on a big project, we have 4 lessons to share from our recent experience building and launching our Calm Business Encyclopedia.
Sept. 14, 2023

176 - How we got out of the "video mud" by ignoring the blueprints

If you tuned into last week’s episode, you may have wondered if we survived the video recording “mud” we’d stepped into. Well, we’re happy to report we’ve turned a corner!
Sept. 7, 2023

175 - Our worst day of filming videos ever (OOF!)

Welp, the title says it all, we had our WORST day of filming videos in 10+ years of working together. Let’s talk about what went wrong and what we learned!
Aug. 31, 2023

174 - Avoiding burnout during big projects

How are we avoiding burning out with our 26-day content blitz project? And how the heck do you avoid feeling completely overwhelmed when staring at a HUGE to-do list??
Aug. 24, 2023

173 - Why we love 30-day challenges and our next one

We LOVE 30-day challenges but we haven’t done one as it relates to creating content in quite awhile. Welp, that’s all about to change with a content blitz we’re embarking on starting this week!
March 16, 2023

160 - How to keep going when you can’t see results

Please raise your hand if you’ve ever started a project only to feel disillusioned a month or two into it? Yep, our hands are WAY UP in the air with you. This week, we want to talk about falling in love with the “no results” phase of starting anything.
March 9, 2023

159 - All the things we're working on right now

Do you ever wonder exactly what someone is working on in their business? We do too! That’s what we recorded for this week’s episode, sharing all the stuff we’re currently juggling between Wandering Aimfully (our un-boring coaching program) and Teachery (our online course software).
Feb. 16, 2023

156 - Setting your "good enough" standard

How do you know when your work is “good enough?” How do you know when to stop working on a project and decide you’ve done a “good enough” job to accomplish your goals? Let’s dive into this topic, folks!
Oct. 20, 2022

146 - The 20-hour rule (by Josh Kaufman)

After hearing about this “first 20 hours” concept by Josh Kaufman, we felt inspired to share how we’ve seen this theory play out in our lives. We think it might be HUGELY helpful for you too!