March 6, 2025

237 - 4 steps to make your next launch feel CALM

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This episode goes out to anyone who has felt stressed during a launch! We want to help change that for you and we have 4 steps that ensure your launches are calm, profitable, and feel effortless.

THE biggest mistake we see folks making when doing live launches is not enough planning and prep time (our own customer survey data showed 75% of people plan a launch in 4 weeks or less). Not giving yourself enough time leads to overwhelm, a lack of pre-marketing, and what we call a “floppy launch” (read: not many sales).

We touch on four things in this episode that every launch needs to feel calmer while also driving more sales! We hope you walk away from this episode giving your next launch more lead-up time AND when your launch starts you are having that (stress-free!) twiddling-your-thumbs moment.

🎙️ Listen to Jason’s episode on the How To Money podcast: 

🍪 Try Jason’s fantastic chocolate chip cookie recipe: 


😏 If you’ve been thinking about using Teachery to build your online courses, take advantage of our Lifetime Deal at 

💌 Want practical tips to help you grow your creator business-without burning out? Join our Growing Steady newsletter and every Monday you'll get 3 actionable tips for growing a Calm Business—one that is predictable, profitable, and peaceful: