Aug. 26, 2021

099 - Just because you can doesn't mean you should

It’s really easy to feel like you have to say YES to any opportunity that comes your way in business but in this episode, we want to share why (and how) saying “NO” is one of the best things you can do for your future self.

If you’re at the very beginning of your business it may feel like you’re in “scarcity mode” and you have to YES to any opportunity that comes your way. However, we’d argue that this is the best time you can cultivate the habit of saying NO and creating boundaries to avoid causing future pain and stress.

When you’re further along down the path of business you might be in a place of abundance where you have lots of opportunities to choose from. This is where you have to understand your own leverage and embrace saying NO (or NOT RIGHT NOW).

The big takeaway from this ep: If you set a boundary and someone gets mad at you for setting that boundary, that is just confirmation that you needed the boundary in the first place.

We talk about those things and many more, in this episode!

🍿 Movies discussed: Escape Room, Sunshine, and Lord of the Rings (with a 🔥 take 😬)


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⭐️ HEADS-UP! Our WAIM Unlimited Fall Enrollment starts September 13-27, you can learn more about our (un-boring) coaching program here:

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